Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Paris Attacks

The Paris Attacks are nothing short of devastating. This is the second time Paris has been attacked in a year, and I mourn for them. After reading these articles, I understand point view points. I think in the first one it is more of what happened while the attacks were going on, and to show the rest of the world what had been going on. I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing because the rest of the world should know when another country is being attacked, especially by a terrorist group like ISIS who has harmed and put out several threats towards America and other countries. I also think without social media it would be harder to get the story, and having live footage can help identify the people who did this, and how dangerous they really are. On the other hand, social media does do the unnecessary, such as the french flag Facebook filter. I think it had the right intentions, however it isn't helping them in the least bit. These people of Paris are in mourning, and suffering. We shouldn't disturb that by trying to over step our boundaries with hashtags and Facebook posts. I do agree there is some self-centerdness within people's posts/tweets. I feel as if when something happens in another country America is the first to try to give their blessings, but are we really doing it for the mourning country, or are we posting just to post about it? I don't ever know because someone could have a direct relation to the attacks, and others not so much. It's hard to say whether I disagree or agree if this is slacktivism, however I do think social media can be overwhelming with unnecessary hashtags/posts when it comes to tragedies such as this one.

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