Sunday, November 8, 2015

Exposing the KKK

When reading this article, I was very curious as to what was going to be exposed. I remember learning about the KKK and always disagreeing with their behavior and group as a whole. The way they handle things is so unjust, and needs to be put to an end. I haven't heard much about the group in a very long time, I actually didn't know they still existed, which is very scary. I think the Anonymous group is doing right by exposing members because they can get what they deserve regarding punishments made by the police, and people of authority. However, I do think anonymous has a personal vendetta for these people since it states within the article, "you made a clear and ever present enemy of Anonymous when you threatened the lives of the protestors and the men and women representing Anonymous on the ground in Ferguson, Missouri, in November of 2014." This shows that they have it out for the KKK group, even though they are saying they are trying to expose them for the "dangerous terroristic cells" they really are. I believe they are trying to expose them for America's sake, and the sake of revenge. KKK is a hate group that has been around for 200+ years, and it would put America somewhat at peace if the people Anonymous is going to expose are behind bars. I'm unsure as to what will go on in America once these names are exposed, however I think a good outcome can come from this. Do I agree with Anonymous's ways of going about this? Absolutely not, however I know they would never work with the government or FBI in handling this situation, therefore this is the only way according to Anonymous on how to handle this. I wish they would hand over the list of names to people of authority, but that's a far stretch.

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