The word "meme" originated from a biologist, Richard Dawkins, in his book, The Selfish Gene. In it he states, "we need a name for the new replicator, a noun that conveys the idea of a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation." The french word même that he references inside the book means "same" or "alike" and the greek word "mimeme, means something that is imitated ( Dawkins was hoping the word meme would be used as a type of human communication using melodies, and catch phrases. From this memes were used to promote products, provide laughter, and convey messages to the global market. Memes have become very popular on social media, and by retweeting, reposting, or sharing on personal account pages, they went viral.
Here are some of my favorites that I found humorous, accurate, and memorable.
This one describes a college student's life. We learn very quickly how to manage money when we are at school, and try to save just enough to go out on the weekends with our friends. There's times where we literally have to go through our change to see if we have enough for that chipotle bowl, or glass of wine.
This I found hysterical because back in my childhood pokemon was popular, however nowadays kids don't even know what this is so I found that I could relate to it, but at the same time if someone were to actually drive around in this it would be quite strange. It's funny how the times change.
I found this picture on twitter and I wish I could retweet it an endless amount of times. This stuck out to me because normally when a cop asks you to pop your trunk this is not what they find, however if I were in a situation like this, there would be puppies in my trunk. I love any kind of dog, and this also reminded me of one of my favorite movies, Bridesmaids, when Melissa McCarthy steals all the dogs and has them in her minivan. LOL.
Lastly, I just found this so funny because whenever there is a new trend, such as these gladiator sandals, everyone needs to have them. Personally I don't love these shoes, I do think it looks like you're about to play a part in the movie 300 or something so this just made me laugh.
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